Sunday, September 13, 2009

Take a Paws

Grizzly Bear - While You Wait for the Others from Grandchildren on Vimeo.

One of my summer of 2009 projects realized!
I worked with the amazing mind of Sean Pecknold, the brilliant eye of Michael Ragen and the immeasurable patience of Tristan Seniuk, aka. The Fencer in August on a Grizzly Bear music video.
The crew for this master piece also includes, Britta Johnson (who I have never met in person, but have worked with and talked via email a few times in the past) who is one of Seattle's best animators and fabulous illustrator, Toby Liebowitz.
Special thanks to Jennifer Popochock for Murphy the bird and
Center Valley Animal Shelter
for Snowflake, the bunny.
Center Valley Animal rescue is an amazing facility for abused, abandoned and troubled animals. Check out the website and donate if you can.
Coming Soon
more music videos from summer 2009
check back in October for the Angel Deradoorian awesomeness