My short summer vacation has come to an end. I spent it here, in Playa Del Rey, CA. where I live. This is a paradise. Hidden behind miles of protected Marsh in West Los Angeles,
I spent the days on my bike; in my rollerskates; in the ocean; on a beach towel with a cocktail and sleeping.
Like any filmmaker, I found myself antsy, restless and longing to get back to work.
I'm back to work. I just arrived in Seattle, WA. and my office is set and ready for the next feature film. It's cold here. Not like Playa Del Rey, CA., but just as beautiful. Seattle is a city built on the Puget Sound. Amazing bridges, trees, clouds and fresh air. Fall is upon the city of Seattle, which is forcing me to miss my summer of 2010. All summers. As much as I love work.
Summer is never like it was when we were in high school, Junior high or Elelmentary school. It was 3 months of freedom, play, adventure and learning in the outdoors. I never wanted my summer to end as a kid. The thought of going back to school made me frustrated, angry and sad.
The end of summer reminds me that I miss my childhood friends, pets and neighborhoods.
No school for three months. Only books and magazines that I want to read. The dollar movie theater, candy, backyards, rope swings, tree houses, my dog, Bubba, my bike, Michael Jackson and Def Leopard. The smell of summer rain on hot summer roads. The smell of fresh cut grass. The sounds of fireworks on the 4th of July. The hug from my mom when she got home from work. Her calls to come home for dinner to my sister and I as the sunset on our suburban street. Crab apple war in someone's yard. Camping in Yellow Stone National Park. Learning to fish for the first time. Roasting marshmellows on a camp fire. This list goes on and on.
Summer always had to end. School always had to start. Fall leaves always fell. Frost always left a blanket and Halloween always made school fun again.
The summer of 2010 is my 36th summer on planet earth. I am so thankful for this summer, where I live and what I do for a living. It's funny how we grow up. I didn't realize I had until this summer. I'm thrilled my 36th summer is over and that I'm going back to work.
When I was 10, I would have thrown a crab apple at you if you told me I would one day be happy that my summer was over. And that apple would have hit you directly in the mouth.