Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I love this band. You should too. You should see them Live. They are great.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Make that a Decaf

A comedy by Heidi Van Lier. Produced by Joe Kraemer and me, joy. Cast and crew premiere in Los Angeles at Cinespace Thursday October 15, 2009 at 7:PM.
See you there. xoxojoy

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

sneak peek at the best show on Television

I'm so looking forward to season 4!

It's tricky to rock around

The truth about WHIP IT.
It's a good movie. You should see it.
Why? Because Drew Barrymore has spun a magical mix of indie film making with the ugly monster that is Hollywood and its formula spell.

The script reeks with the scent of a fat, sweaty, fugly, male Exec. producer. However, the cinematography, acting, music and underlining themes of the film are very indie.
It's a wonderful story of a small town girl growing up in Texas with a controlling mother and sports loving father.
Girl hates life, finds a new hobby, mom hates hobby and the story ensues.

The cast and the music are the films strengths for sure.
Ellen Page is Juno once again, but still, talented and convincing as Bliss, her character in the film.
The women in the film are amazing and I would love to have the opportunity to work with any of them. I was especially impress with Kristen Wiig. She's rad!

I'm delighted to have Juliette Lewis back on the big screen. She is a rare talent with an unique look that a director can do so much with. She is sexy, biker chic hot as Iron Maven, Bliss's Nemesis.

Congrats to Drew for growing up Hollywood, yet able to produce a real experience for the audience!
I love, love, love, WHIP IT. See it suckers! xoxjoy

Monday, October 12, 2009

New fan of cool bands

I've discovered several new bands this summer and fall of 2009.
Check out these three.
I heart them so......

Au Revoir Simone

Ki Theory

The Drums