Saturday, January 31, 2009

The blogger dilemma

I'm not really a blogger per se. I'm much more a person who tries everything once and then if I like it; twice and then maybe three times. Usually I move on to the next thing and forget about what ever the last thing was. There are a handful of things I am obsessed with and I can count them on one hand. #1. Sex (with the right partner(partners may vary or evap0rate all together causing dry spells which increase the significance of #1)). #2 Excercise/Outdoor activities: a. jogging b. surfing c.snowboarding d.horseback riding e. golf/driving range g. long walks with baby B on the beach; bitching up our storms. #3. Movies #4. Screenplays #5. Friday Night Lights.

Friday Night Lights is the best television on the planet, people. If you haven't seen it; log onto and get busy. We are now on season 3 and I just finished watching the 3rd episode of what I feel is a kick-ass season. The cast is beautiful, talented and perfect. (Taylor Kitsch is my ideal boy toy(Totally want to cougar out on him). The show is well written, brilliantly shot & edited and the production design is amazing. Sometimes I get caught up and dream of moving to Austin in hopes of bumping into Taylor or Aimee on the street and becoming besties.

Because I'm not really much of a blogger and it isn't one of my top 5 obsessions, You won't see blogs often from me. 3 a week tops. What I will try to post daily is quotes from my favorite TV show, friends, family, aggressive old guys at the grocery store, disaster dates, confrontations or prank phone calls. This I can promise on a daily basis.

Yes, it is Saturday night. Yes, I am sitting in my apartment, drinking wine, eating chocolate cake, watching FNL online and blogging. Hey man, it's a recession out there. I'm saving at least $30 bucks this way and watching Taylor Kitsch in the privacy of my own world! All for Free!

Today's quote is from Friday Night Lights;"Buddy, I don't give two Farts what the boosters think." Coach Taylor. ( I love fart jokes.)

Happy Super Bowl. Go Steelers!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

He's just not that into you.....missing the eye candy

Today I found myself sitting in traffic on La Brea heading South out of Hollywood. It took me 3o minutes to get from Beverly to Venice Blvd. The slow jam was the ripple affect of a horrible accident at a huge intersection where a black Tahoe met some other car which was now unrecognizable. The driver and passenger of the Tahoe both left craters laced with shattered glass in what was once the windshield. The coroners attempt at hiding the bodies with the coroner van doors wide open, failed. The shattered windshield left a surge of just how dangerous driving in LA really is. I've been here only 10 months and have grown accustom driving the race that is LA. You have to be aggressive, fast and pissed off. I have a point to this tale and it actually has nothing to do with driving in LA. I'm sorry people lost their lives today in a fatal LA driving accident, but I believe that we are here in shells and we arrive in a much more powerful and peaceful place when we move on.
What I really want to bring up is that everywhere you look in LA there is a billboard with a movie poster on it. Above your head on the street, on the bus, on the side of the gas station, painted on the walls of the tallest buildings, sparsely and strategically built between downtown, Hollywood and Culver City. Movies, Movies, Movies and more movies all around you. Tempting the LA driver to look away from the road, their cell phone and GPS and look to the grand movie billboard. While stuck in the fatal traffic jam, slowly working my way to the 10 West back to Santa Monica, I had 30 minutes to stare at the billboard for the upcoming movie....He's Just Not That Into You. Just in time for Valentines Day, reminding me that I am forever a single bachelorette and will be lucky to get a phone call from my father on V day; non the less a date. I stare and stare at the poster slowly despising it's image. Not just because of V day, but because this cute dating, ensemble movie has some of the sexiest actresses cast and 4 of the worst looking guys. Justin long? Kevin Connolly? What? I see guys like this at the coffee shop day in and day out. Where is the ever so sexy Ryan Reynolds? Where is the insanely sexy Taylor Kitsch of Friday Night Lights? Where is Matthew McConaughey? I could go on. The point is, this is a chick flick with hot chicks. When is Hollywood going to get what women want? We want hot dudes to look at just as much as guys want hot chicks to look at.
I was never planning on paying $12 to see this movie. I would have rented it, but after 30 minutes of seeing clearly that Ben Affleck and Bradley Cooper are up against the likes of Jennifer Aniston, Scarlet Johansson(Kanye's favorite white girl.FYI) and Drew Barrymore, I'm going to pass.
After all, I am a single woman who loves attractive men.
The producers of HJNTITY must be dudes or duds. I am unable to ethically support their poor judgement. Flower Films, you should know better.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Winners and not winners.....

Okay, so the winners for both the Slamdance and Sundance Film Festivals 2009 have been announced.
Check the happy kids out on the websites:

So, I'm really happy for the winners. Ya, Ya and Ya. Congrats to everyone who got into the festivals. Thousands of films didn't and you should feel great that your project made it into the screenings of one of the two of the largest international film festivals in the world. Good for you.
I'm back in Santa Monica, soaking up sun, sweating out booze and prepping up to read hundreds of Teleplays, Feature Screenplays, Short Screenplays and Horror screenplays. I'm in severe need of deep R&R, a long shower, waxing and a massage. It has finally occurred to me that it is 2009 and the beginning of a new year. For those of you who write screenplays, I hope to read yours. For those of you who work on indie films, I hope to see yours. I have a few screenplays to finish this year and a short film shooting in Seattle WA in late summer. Not only am I judging and programming all of you, I am being judged and programmed. Sweet potato pie!
I hiked one of the trails in Topanga Canyon yesterday after unpacking my winter attire. (On four hours of Park City sleep) with my SM pals. It was an amazing view and reminded me of how beautiful California is. I'm so happy to be back. I missed my non filmmaking friends when I was sober or sleeping while in festival village. They are excited to have me back and to be drug from movie, to festival, to restaurant or bar, outdoor adventures and then some. Ya, friends! I heart you, LA. Here's to movies, food and dudes! xoj

Friday, January 23, 2009

The Festival comes to a close

Today is the big day for the Slamdance filmmakers.  As we, the festival staff pack up the offices, take down the theaters and decorate for the award reception (well, I'm actually blogging) it's hard not to feel somewhat melancholy.  Tonight a few of our films and the filmmakers that made them will walk away with the Jury Prize,  Audience Choice Award and some rad prizes from our sponsors like Kodak, Gibson, Indie Road just to name drop a few.  Odds are that one of these filmmakers will be the next big thing in 5 to 10 years.  Slamdance did discover Chris Nolan, Steven Soderbergh and Marc Forester just to name drop a few  brilliant directors.  Lives are going to change forever and for the better of filmmaking tonight.  The Slamdance staff is going to party hard, hug, kiss and weep due to the end of what feels like summer camp.  I've met new people that I hope to call friends until my shell becomes a delicious snack for vicious looking insects.  I'm tired and extremely delighted to get back to Santa Monica, watch all the movies nominated for Oscars and write up my personal reviews for you.  Congratulations to Melissa Leo, an amazing actress that I have had the pleasure of working with on her Oscar nom for Frozen River.  Yay, Melissa!  Congratulations to Lynn Shelton (Seattle sister) and the HumpDay crew on your Sundance awesomeness.  Yay, Lynn!  Thank you Park City for putting up with Hollywood and all of our brazen demands on your beautiful ski town.  As the posters from all the movies begin to fall off onto your sidewalks, storefronts and dance floors remember how much money we spend on food, drinks, chap stick and deodorant.  Also, you should think about a restaurant that isn't fine dining and isn't a cafe.  We like places to eat like that a lot.  You'll make bank, promise! Thank you mother nature for snowing for us today.   Only 7 hours left before life changes are made.  I'll post the winners tomorrow just before my computer is put into a box, loaded onto a truck and driven back to Hollywood.   It's Movie Time!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Slamdance Film Festival 2009

The 2009 Slamdance Film Festival has made it through the first weekend, which is always the most hectic.  Starting Thursday night, the parties, seminars, screenings, bands, actors, producers, writers and directors take over Main Street in Park City, Utah.  It's now Tuesday, or Inauguration Day as we Americans are referring to it presently.  I watched Barack Obama and his historical swearing in on my computer on this morning.  It has been my only interaction with the world outside of Park City since I got here over a week ago.  Due to the daily activities, which include, but not limited to; sledding in high heeled bitch boots; Can Can high kicks and teenage bear reenactments,  I haven't seen any films yet.  I plan to see HUMPDAY dir. Lynn Shelton and The Immaculate Conception of Little Dizzle dir. David Russo both at the Sundance Film Festival.  I recommend Weather Girl, Spooner, Drool and I sell the Dead screening at the Slamdance Film Festival.  It's oddly warm in Park City and sadly empty this year.  The recession along with global warming have taken a bite out of the industry and our festive festivals.  I'll be posting plenty of photos and a few blogs while in PC, UT.  Mostly this blog is reserved for reviewing movies, restaurants, film and music festivals, surf spots around the world and the occasional dating scenario.  The festival comes to a close January 23 with the traditional closing night ceremony.  We'll announce the winners of the film, short, documentary, music video and screenplay competitions.  This is going to be difficult people.  We have a great lineup and a brilliant list of filmmakers.   I'll be announcing the upcoming 2009 Teleplay, Feature Screenplay and Horror writing Competitions.  If you have a screenplay you would like to submit, check out   I'm off to the Kodak Filmmaker party and must bid you ado.  Cheers!